Nick Baker
Nick Baker co-founded Testbed in 1992. It was named after the first series the company made, “Testing Times”, which involved a party thrown for sexing parrots, among other things. The producer was co-founder, Viv Black.
Nick’s a broadcaster and writer as well as a producer, often hosting Pick of the Week on Radio 4, and he’s been behind many of the successful series made by Testbed over the years. These have included phone-ins, a quiz and many documentaries and features. In 2010 he went round the world linking stories he found in internet cafes for a BBC World Service series. In 2012 he invented a 90 part series to mark the BBC's 90th Birthday. He enjoys collaboration with other producers: Here he is for Whistledown Productions with a series called Niche Work if You Can Get it. He produced The Halifax Slasher, which topped the Audible.com podcast chart.
And he invented the ever popular Fry’s English Delight .